Dick Skerry

weather this weekend

Saturday will be bright and relatively mild. 15c is possible. There will be very little cloud if any. the wind will be in the region of 10 knots southerly so a healthy crosswind. Sunday will be cloudy but wind will be much lighter still south. there is a possibility of fog though the met numbers… Read more weather this weekend

K13 update

Great news the K13 has passed her major inspection with flying colours and will be back on site by the weekend. the weather may not have heard the news but an  update will appear as usual on Friday. we must think up a name for the old lady, K13 does not really sound as nice… Read more K13 update

weekend weather

Saturday will be cloudy and windy with a strong breeze 15-18 knots from the north north east . cool in the wind. the wind direction may prevent us flying. Sunday will be the same but with less wind 10-12 knots. we must stop flying 1500 Sunday as the 2 seater needs to be taken apart… Read more weekend weather