Great feats Well done Joe! New member, new gliding convert, latest solo! First solo landing in a glider – making it look easy 🙂 First 30 minute solo flight completed in style! Solo before his 15th birthday. Well done Ethan. Congratulations on going solo Ali! Ten thousandth launch for Dick! Kevin makes it a hat-trick! Third student to solo in summer 2015. Simon Piegalski prepares to fly solo. Simon gets his wings! Well done. Six weeks of determination, patience and sheer helpfulness pay off in first solo flight! Well done Jon! First cross-country complete (and 5 hour flight five days later!) Paul’s silver distance flight (50km). Look at the clubhouse for evidence of location! Maiden flight in new type Landing after first 2 hour flight! Soloing in the snow! Bert’s 12000th flight way back in 2009! (count the noughts!) Share this:Click to email a link to a friend (Opens in new window)Click to print (Opens in new window)Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window)Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window)