Each gliding site has its own characteristics, and Strubby owes its nature to location on the east coast in the flatlands of Lincolnshire.
Easy navigation
Launching from Strubby one of the first and most obvious sights is the sea. The east coast of England stretches out north and south from the Humber to the Wash, and on a clear day both Yorkshire and Norfolk can be seen. Look out for the wind turbines in the sea outside Skegness as one of the more unusual views from a gliding site.
Inland the wolds also run approximately north-south, meaning that it’s rarely necessary to look at the compass to know in which direction you are heading.
The Bambers wind farm about five miles due east of the runway is a clear reference point for navigation if you are struggling to locate the airfield, and on the ground is a handy marker of wind speed and the sea breeze drawing in…
Minimal airspace restrictions
The virtual absence of airspace restrictions over the Strubby area means that many cross-country routes are possible for the intrepid, with usual target destinations being Crowland (Peterborough & Spalding GC), Kirton-in-Lindsey (Severn Trent GC) or Pocklington (Wolds GC).
Field landing options
The surrounding fields are large and flat, with standing crops being the most likely hazard when needing to land out. In place of fences and walls, be on the alert for dykes and ditches crossing fields.
The sea breeze front adds to the challenge for both local soaring and cross-country exploits. Strubby is an excellent site for honing thermalling skills in marginal conditions. However, if the launch timing and height are right, the sea breeze front can be run like a very long (albeit invisible) ridge. Single-seater launch heights of 2500′ can be achieved if conditions are right, and heights for dual or single seater of 1500′ are common.