The sun has been shining and all the rain we’ve experienced this season seems a distant memory: ok, we’ve had a few dry days. But the upshot is that the one day course that has been postponed twice has now gone ahead. Melissa and Swiss John were the participants and our CFI, Dick was their instructor for the day.
The weather was hot and sunny with an Easterly wind when Dick and Melissa took the first launch at 10:30. A weak thermal extended their flight to 10 minutes and this was to prove the longest of the 14 flights of the day. Melissa and Swiss John made good progress, once again proving that the continuity the one day course provides pays dividends when learning to glide. Of course these courses couldn’t go ahead without the volunteers who come out to help; thanks to Tony the Winch, Maverick John, Al, Gary and of course Dick, Melissa and Swiss John.
Keep a lookout for future courses to advance your flying.