
Gone solo? Now what?

There are some things that you can only do once in your life. Two things immediately spring to mind and one of them is doing your first solo flight. This gives you a tremendous feeling, as does the other thing as I remember, but after the euphoria has subsided and you’ve done it more than… Read more Gone solo? Now what?

In pursuit of Silver, Tom rigs early.

Last saturday’s weather forecast looked reasonable for soaring from Strubby and young Tom was first there in order to get his K6 rigged before the club gliders came out of the hangar. At our small club, getting the equipment out and setting up the field is always a busy time so the members who fly… Read more In pursuit of Silver, Tom rigs early.

Breaking News. Young people spotted at Strubby.

Today at Strubby the average age of the membership dropped significantly due to a rarely seen phenomenon: an influx of youngsters. Our youngest member Melissa is seen flanked by twins Freddie and Dougie Chapman who had their first flights with us on Sunday. Good luck with your training kids.

In pursuit of Silver.

There comes a time in your gliding career that to progress to an internationally recognised level you need to turn your back on those oh so comfortable and familiar surroundings that is your home airfield. You’ve always landed back there and wherever over the surrounding countryside you’ve been soaring you have always been in gliding… Read more In pursuit of Silver.

Social membership, what’s the point?

Good question. Let’s be honest here, most gliding clubs, and possibly other types of clubs, offer social membership as a way of getting a bit more cash in without specifically detailing the benefits. Aimed mainly at non-flying spouses it’s something some take up and others don’t. Here at Lincolnshire Gliding Club we’re a very sociable… Read more Social membership, what’s the point?