
Motorgliding, what’s that all about?

Like most things, how much would Sir or Madam like to spend? Motorgliders come in various guises, training tools, single and two-seater self-launching high performance sailplanes, single and two-seater touring, and although technically not classed as motorgliders there are the self-sustainers. These have small pop out engines of varying types which can be deployed when… Read more Motorgliding, what’s that all about?

The thoughts of Chairman Pat.

After 15 years of flying gliders believe it or not, every time I’m launched into the sky, release the cable and fly along in almost silence, each flight still seems special and a privilege. Thermic flights are even more special using warm rising air to gain height often right up to the bottom of the… Read more The thoughts of Chairman Pat.

Louth Lions’ flying evening deemed a roaring success.

In spite of unseasonable weather threatening to curtail the evening’s enjoyment, members of Lincolnshire Gliding Club turned up at Strubby airfield under an overcast sky to prepare the equipment in readiness for a first time gliding experience for the Louth Lions. Low cloud and drizzle tried, but failed to dampen spirits and it wasn’t long… Read more Louth Lions’ flying evening deemed a roaring success.

This is Niall’s account of his intensive training day course.

I felt like Charlie Bucket finding his golden ticket when I arrived at the airfield and immediately got to fly! I then got to be a king for a day, enjoying a day of instruction devoted to me and just one other student, “Swiss” John. Eight launches each, and a willing group of volunteers fetching… Read more This is Niall’s account of his intensive training day course.

The “One Day” gliding course.

As the title suggests this article is about the one day gliding courses we are running at Strubby this summer. These courses are open to full members and non-members alike: the only difference being the cost. Members pay a £30 course fee and pay for their flights at normal club rates. Non-members pay a £170… Read more The “One Day” gliding course.