The “One Day” gliding course.

As the title suggests this article is about the one day gliding courses we are running at Strubby this summer. These courses are open to full members and non-members alike: the only difference being the cost. Members pay a £30 course fee and pay for their flights at normal club rates. Non-members pay a £170 course fee that includes their flights and gives them full club membership for the day. There are only 2 places available on each course and the aim, although not guaranteed, is to achieve 8 flights per course member. This is fairly flexible as the weather may only be suitable for circuit flying or there may be good soaring opportunities which should result in longer, but possibly fewer flights. Whatever the weather, rest assured that the volunteer team will work hard to get you plenty of flying.

This year has been challenging on the weather front but on Tuesday 25th. June after a postponement, we ran our first one day course of 2024. Two club members who have been learning to glide with us for a while now enrolled and duly turned up for their training. The idea for both of them was to bring continuity to their training and aim for a noticeable progression. Both pilots were already flying most aspects of a typical glider flight but hadn’t had the chance to come gliding on a regular basis for a while, so the aim was to consolidate those skills to achieve unprompted circuit flying and beyond. John “Swiss John” Hickman was first up and from what he has told me, loved it. He’s already booked on the next course. The weather was sunny and dry but not soarable. However, this was ideal training weather with the Easterly wind almost down the strip with good height winch launches as a result. John did 8 flights, said it was enjoyable but also hard work, cost him £135 including his course fee and he can’t wait for the next one. Hopefully that will get him well on the way to solo. Good luck Swiss John.

The second club member on the course was Niall Brady. Niall travels from Nottingham and recently hasn’t been able to get to the club on a regular basis so was also looking forward to some serious training continuity. Niall was a journalist in a former life and has told me that he’ll pen an article about his course experience. Looking forward to reading it Niall.

The scheduled date for the next one day course is Tuesday 16th. July. There is one place remaining which Swiss John hopes someone will take up or he may end up having to have 16 launches.

The photo below shows John about to take his first course launch with Dick Skerry our CFI in the back seat.