In spite of unseasonable weather threatening to curtail the evening’s enjoyment, members of Lincolnshire Gliding Club turned up at Strubby airfield under an overcast sky to prepare the equipment in readiness for a first time gliding experience for the Louth Lions. Low cloud and drizzle tried, but failed to dampen spirits and it wasn’t long before the gliders, winch and launchpoint were towed into position. The drizzle ceased and with a weathercheck flight complete, the gliding could commence.
Our two two-seater gliders lined up in tandem and waited for the winch cables. Generally launching one after the other allowed the skilled LGC instructors to complete the air experience flight circuits and safely line up for the next launches as the winch cables were being towed back ready for more launches.
The number of anoraks and hats on display confirmed the lower than expected for July temperatures; not helped by the wind coming off the North Sea. However, this and the overcast sky didn’t stop the enjoyment judging by the number of smiles on show in the gliders’ front seats.
A big thank you to everyone involved.
If you would like to learn to glide with the Lincolnshire Gliding Club then please visit our website to book an air experience flight. We look forward to introducing you to a magical sport.
Here are some pictures and flight traces from the flying evening.